A deck of magic game cards for how to become an otherworldly revolutionary
Commissioned by: Livia Rita ︎ ︎
Format: 105x130mm / 12 cards / 180gsm
Availability: contact the artist to purchase
Year: 2022

Rearrange as you like.


The FUGA FUTURA project was extremely collaborative. Whilst Livia and her team had an idea of how each of the cards were to look, they wanted A+E to also introduce their own style and quirks. We spoke in depth with Livia about the FUGA FUTURA journey to understand the overall transformation which was being formed. When it came to building the actual designs, each of the cards posessed different feelings, colours, tones, textures, shapes and a mystic location. There were also spells, characteristics, superpowers, a creature, element and symbols for each of the creatures. Every card is completely unique, however they sit together under a common framework.

CREATURES - Ane Lopez, Ellora Prior, Diana

N/04 Enchant Sangia, Heart Tattoo
N/02 Diabolica Raver, Age of Fatalilty ︎
N/03 Wildfyre, Scream It ︎
N/10 Octoprowess, Muscle of Freedom ︎

N/07 The Tsunamica Siren, Expired Crystal
N/05 Magmarock Demon, Sunscar
N/06 Anemoia, Dead Angel
N/01 Heliotropica Moth, Just Happier

N/11 Infinity Gossamer, Fuga Futura

N/09 Dark Thunder Elf, Fantasy ︎


On Earth Day 2021 we opened The Dream Vault (part of The Dream Turbine) as an open space for people to share their dreams. The following is a piece called In the Dreamhouse, compiled by Maria and Lucy for Livia Rita’s Fuga Futura tour in June 2022. Words and phrases were woven together from the Dream Vault to create a shared dream of sorts; a tangled snippet of our collective unconscious.

The Vault is still open today, and we welcome you to contribute to this steadily evolving collective dream diary.

There is an ensemble improvising
and pushing up to the same,
the same note
I would sleep with them
Lately my dreams have been overlapping
juicy ploughed fields, a decadent old theatre
and there’s some kind of disjointed game going on.
Dreams are the recycled trash of the everyday.
I knew they were taking me on wild goose chases
some graphic design to fit all our heads onto a poster
immersed in the dreamscape
the archetypal popular rivals
I begin to think “why was
a teen movie happening on a farm?”
                        and the bubble bursts
without judgement, I’m just buffeted
along without agency
in a vast expanse of ocean
It is not clear where I am trying to go
back to the place [where] I
begin swimming

Taken in by this woman
I am able to see her life in a flash of nonstop
“being there for someone”
delicious, bow-shaped, shyly
I ask him if he wouldn’t mind
reinserting a kind of slant bolt called a ‘virga’
and blithely about to get back on my bike

I had hospitality flashbacks
The worst was Sunday mornings

all the voice actors play inanimate objects
   on a spaceship together
  on a normal day
       a signature scent

…forgetting something
like I knew this would happen IRL

doing remote good things
   this gives me hope
(A time loop happened)
naturally, we could easily have all been dreaming
each other into existence
If I can’t touch you in a dream
how do I know you are really there?
   that’s when you wake up
   and my dreams were scrambled

a vibrant mash
   of landscapes, interiors
        The stars swayed as though viewed through a spring tide
        Time shrinks
   small, dark animals scatter


In a state of possession
I try to reclaim the lost moment, only animal grunts
and YouTube videos

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Back then we lived in a little house
before I left the city, we used to eat rainbow ice cream for dinner
and were too busy dreaming to paint the walls


We found ourselves, back again, trapped
pepper pots, and love
[…] an embarrassing stain

(broken hypnagogia)

I didn’t tell him about the dream. He wouldn’t have believed
“The answer to your question is the question”

personal/political, or rather this is what I want […]

Instead I dream about spelling mistakes, shelter
the cost of living.
            becoming pastoral in the future
I have heard William Blake was good at this
but I don’t know who told him
to unburden his desire.
I am living in houses I used to occupy.

Finally I was speaking to someone I bumped into.
They were telling me about their day
serving endless pizzas from the fridge
laced in something truly outsized and wonderful
and then i remember
it was tahini and date syrup
and very precious
before sleeping again
and forgetting the dreams that came next
they gave me a crown of black seaweed
and then buried me head-first in the mud.