Dead and Living Spaces

Second session of BIOSYSTEMS reading group
Hosted by: Glasgow Zine Library, Glasgow 
Special guests: Ben Langan, Sally Gales
Year: 2019

The city is the shack inside out. It choreographs the delicious series of our transience.

This is the future, Lisa Robertson

Rethinking what we mean by ‘biosphere’ entails rethinking our notion of space itself, and within space, the effects of human intervention, construction and design. In this session, we questioned whether bio-architecture constitutes a productive form of what Donna Haraway calls ‘sympoeisis’, or making-with, between humans and nonhumans, and to what extent might its propagation of tech innovation as ecological solution be successful?

In BIOSYSTEMS II, architectural engineer and designer Ben Langan joined novelist, psychogeographer and architect Sally Gales in discussion with A+E. The session was focus around Gaston Bachelard’s ‘The Poetics of Space’ to get a handle on the phenomenological side of spatial relations, alongside Lucy Wood’s ‘Notes from the House Spirits’.